Exploring the nooks and crannies of the mental health space has been my obsession for the last few years.  I've come to believe that the current mental health system is more than happy to schedule a 15 minute appt. with you, label you disordered, prescribe a medication, and send you on your way.  Sure, it might work for some people.  But what about everyone else? 

That doesn't sit well with me.  A prescription doesn't solve the loneliness epidemic, your lack of purpose, or address the effects of cell phones on our lives.  It won't teach you how to navigate your feelings or examine your thought processes.  It won't provide actual support when you bring home a new baby or transition to an empty nest.  And it certainly doesn't touch the affects of racism, class, and other systems of oppressions.  

It is time for resources that will actually help the crisis we find ourselves in.  And that is the work I've set out to do.

about my work

hi, i'm abby


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